About Atlas Orthogonal
What is “Atlas Orthogonal”?
The atlas is the very top bone in your neck. It holds your head on top of your body (in Greek mythology, Atlas was tasked with holding up the heavens on his shoulders).
What happens when the atlas is misaligned?
When your atlas is misaligned, it causes stress to your body and your nervous system. It is a common cause of headaches, dizziness, vertigo, sinus pain, TMJ issues, and other conditions.
Get your head on straight!
“Orthogonal” is an engineering term for 90 degrees. Essentially, your atlas bone should be at right angles to your head and neck. We’re trained to “get your head on straight”.
Compensation patterns
It can also change the balance centers of your brain. This can show up as neck pain, tight and sore shoulders, low back pain, and a “short leg”- some of our patients even describe feeling like they are walking “crooked” until they get their atlas corrected.